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Teachability = The Can't Miss Quality When Promoting From Within *team blog

In today’s reality of shrinking budgets and uncertain futures, many organizations we are coaching are promoting leaders from within rather than making outside hires.

As part of our framework...

A healthy you creates a healthier org (w/ Jonathan Moore) podcast priorities

Jonathan Moore is the Founding and senior pastor of NorthRock Church in San Antonio. He met Shawn at the Velocity Conference, over a decade ago, when Shawn was in Atlanta.

NorthRock launched a...

Build "one pizza" teams throughout your organization *team

Do you have too many direct reports?

You may…

In fact, you probably do…

Here’s a tip.


Build a one-pizza team for every team you have

Here’s what that means =...

Maintaining Your Poise As A Leader (10 Characteristics) priorities

In these crazy days in which we are living, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the importance of POISE as a Leader. I looked up the word. Summing up the various definitions of the word, ...

Miracles in the making (Sermon) (coach) jeremy isaacs sermon of the week

This message kicked off the beginning of 2022 for Generations Church, as they entered 21 days of prayer— as they began focusing on miracles.

Here’s what we learn:

We serve a...

Welcome to our tribe (w/ JC Worley) podcast

JC Worley leads Go Church in South Atlanta. He and his wife, Kimberly, lead Go Church.

Go Church was the host location for the first-ever Courageous Pastors Gathering, and— more relevantly...

The Most Important System In Your Organization *systems priorities

If you are the leader, there’s one system that matters more than others.

I’d be so bold to say it’ the most important system in the entire organization for the leader…


Free of your past & now fully alive (Sermon) (coach) kevin lloyd sermon of the week

Grace is bigger— and better— than anything you’ve done. In fact, Paul tells us that where sin “abounds,” grace actually “super-abounds.”

That is, grace is...
