How to protect the vision *culture blog video

A healthy system requires two things: 

  1. Clarity = A clear picture of what we’re trying to achieve 
  2. Accountability = Actually implementing the action steps required to do reach that...
2 Essential Guidelines for Your Goals *culture

When charting our aim for a new year or a new season the question we must answer is WHY.

Why do I want to accomplish this goal?

That is, we need to assess (honestly)-- Does accomplishing your goal...

How to restructure your systems so they work *systems blog video

Every organization is structured perfectly for the results it’s getting now. 

So, if your’e not growing… 

… and if you’re not sensing PEACE in your...

3 Common Traits of Elite Leaders blog people priorities

Want to be an elite leader?

If you’re reading this post, my gut tells me your answer is a resounding, “Yes!”

Most leaders want to improve and few want to settle which leads to a...

How to become a more disciplined leader blog priorities video

Every great leader I know has two primary characteristics:

  • They have clear goals, and 
  • They are disciplined

Goals are like a magnet— they pull us onward and upward. The stronger they...

When things haven't met your expectations blog passion priorities progress

Every person on the globe has somehow been affected by the events of the past few years... 

A pandemic.

Racial turmoil.

Economic uncertainty.

A contentious-- and then contested-- Presidential...

3 components of a clear vision *culture blog passion

Leadership and vision go hand in hand. Therefore, leadership must begin with a clear vision: whether it be for our personal life, our family, our church, or organization. 

If people around us...

Hiring & Firing 101 *systems *team people video

In this special Zoom, William Vanderbloemen shared several points about Hiring & Firing. And, although this video was originally recorded to teach ministry leaders, it applies to everyone.

